Corporate history
Our company was established in 1953 as a dyeing material and clothing trading company. In addition to wholesalesupply of dyes and industrial chemicals to textile printing and dyeing factories, which are traditional localindustries in Yokohama, we plan and design luxury scarves, scarves, stoles, etc. made of natural fiber materialssuch as silk, making use of the excellent textile printing technology of Yokohama. I made and sold.
From 2011, as part of our policy to incorporate the prosperity of overseas production areas and the benefits ofthe yen's appreciation at that time into our company, we have recruited new graduates who are executivecandidates from overseas production areas to strengthen our lineup. In response to the expectations, the newemployees from overseas became effective immediately, leading to the successful development of a businessthat produces and imports excellent cashmere and wool products from overseas origins in a short period of time(currently promoted to general manager). We believe that this has given us a way to maintain and expand ourbusiness.
From 2012, in order to further expand our product range, we started a business to manufacture and import high-end miscellaneous goods such as leather handbags and wallets overseas. These new products have acquired customers through industry exhibitions at Tokyo Big Site.
In recent years, since the Reiwa era, we have been exporting these new products to Europe and the UnitedStates under the MARUYAMA brand.
Our company's clothing and accessories sales date back to the Taisho period, and have their roots in the twogenerations who founded a kimono store on Isezakicho-dori, the largest shopping district in Yokohama at thetime. While focusing on inheriting and demonstrating the excellent DNA of planning and selling products withbeautiful colors and designs nurtured by kimono shops that thrived selling Japanese kimonos from the Taisho erato the prewar period, Taisho and Showa eras. In Heisei and Reiwa, we have continued our business up to thecurrent Maruyama Shoten.